ENOC Bureau statement on massive, unprecedented and grave human rights violations against children in the Gaza Strip

November 2, 2023 The situation of children in the Gaza Strip is critical and amounts to an unprecedented, massive and grave violation of all of their human rights, with their inherent right to life at the forefront. Reportedly, more than 3500 children lost their lives in the last three weeks due to unrelenting attacks. The […]

UN Child Rights Committee condemns killing of children in Gaza Strip

01 November 2023 GENEVA (1 November 2023) – Grave human rights violations against children are mounting by the minute in the Gaza Strip, and there are no winners in a war where thousands of children are killed. The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child issued the following statement today, expressing outrage at the […]

Vers un statut administratif autonome pour les enfants non-accompagnés au Luxembourg

L’augmentation des mineurs isolés au Luxembourg révèle des lacunes législatives. Si les MNA bénéficient de certaines garanties, l’application des lois d’aide à l’enfance reste insuffisante. Le manque de formation des administrateurs et l’absence de statut inclusif fragilisent leur protection. Des réformes sont nécessaires pour garantir leurs droits.

Enquête sur le respect des droits de l’enfant dans l’accès aux soins médicaux

ENG – In the context of its 2023 annual report, the OKAJU has developed a survey on access to healthcare for children aged 0 to 12. It is aimed at parents, relatives and legal representatives who have had experiences of a child’s medical care in Luxembourg. The questionnaire is anonymous and very short. It will only take you a few minutes to fill it out. We thank you in advance for your willingness to participate! https://fr.surveymonkey.com/r/F6VTM8K?lang=en

PT – Como parte do seu relatório anual para o ano de 2023, a OKAJU está a organizar um inquérito sobre o acesso a cuidados para crianças dos 0 aos 12 anos entre pais, tutores e familiares de crianças que tiveram experiência de cuidados médicos para uma criança no Luxemburgo. Responder a este questionário anônimo levará apenas alguns minutos. Agradecemos desde já a sua participação! https://fr.surveymonkey.com/r/F6VTM8K?lang=pt

Avis sur le projet de lois 8326 portant sur l’information des représentants légaux des mineurs privés de liberté

Avis de l’OKAJU sur le projet de loi portant sur l’information des représentants légaux des mineurs privés de liberté en vue de la transposition des articles 5, paragraphes 2 à 4, et 10, paragraphe 3, de la directive 2013/48/UE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 22 octobre 2013 relative au droit d’accès à un […]