What we do
The OKaJu’s mission is to promote, safeguard and to protect the rights of the child. These missions are defined in the law of April 1, 2020, which established the Ombudsman for Children and Youth.
Promoting the rights of the child is a preventive mission.
It includes:
- Advising individuals or legal entities on the implementation of children’s rights;
- Raising children’s awareness of their rights and public awareness of children’s rights;
- Submission of an annual report to the Chamber of Deputies. This report summarizes the situation of children’s rights in Luxembourg and presents OKAJU’s activities.

The mission to safeguard children’s rights is a general preventive one.
It includes:
- Advising individuals or legal entities on the implementation of children’s rights;
- Analyzing mechanisms to protect and promote children’s rights and, if necessary, recommending adjustments to relevant entities that the OKaJu deems essential for a sustainable and improved protection of children’s rights;
- Drafting opinions on all bills, proposed laws, and grand-ducal regulation projects impacting the respect of children’s rights;
- Formulating opinions upon request from the Government or the Chamber of Deputies on any matter related to children’s rights.
The mission to protect children’s rights includes:
- Advising individuals or legal entities on the implementation of children’s rights;
- Receiving and examining complaints regarding the violation of children’s rights and making recommendations to rectify the reported situation;
- Reporting cases of children’s rights violations to the relevant authorities and formulating recommendations to rectify the reported situation.