OKAJU is looking for young people for its Young Advisors Programme
„Et ass mir wichteg ob d‘Stëmm vun de Jonken ze lauschteren, hir Meenungen
an Erfahrungen an eis Iwwerleeungen
Charel Schmit
“Kanner a Jugendlecher verdéngen eng Stëmm an d’Sécherheet, eescht geholl ze ginn. Als Young Advisor beim OKAJU setzen ech mech dofir an, datt net nëmmen hir Rechter, mee och hir Meenung a Besoine respektéiert ginn. Mee fir wierklech eppes ze bewierken, musse méi Jonker sech engagéieren.
Wa mir all eise Bäitrag leeschten,
kënne mir Europa an d’Welt zu enger besserer Plaz fir jidderee maachen.”
Andreas Turki, Young Advisor
The OKAJU Young Advisors Program is aimed at young people in Luxembourg who want to have a positive impact on society. It is intended for those who want to advise and support the Ombudsman fir Kanner a Jugendlecher in his work.
„Et ass mir wichteg ob d‘Stëmm vun de Jonken ze lauschteren, hir Meenungen
an Erfahrungen an eis Iwwerleeungen
Charel Schmit
The OKAJU Young Advisors Programme identifies young people who wish to have a positive impact on civil society and who want to assist OKAJU in its mission to promote, safeguard and protect the rights of children and young people.
The young advisors of OKAJU will work closely with the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents on all matters relating to the rights and welfare of children and young people, contributing their experience and perspective.
The young advisors of OKAJU will work closely with the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents on all matters relating to the rights and welfare of children and young people, contributing their experience and perspective.
Want to better understand your rights and develop new skills? Join our training programme for young people and become an agent of change!
The programme also offers OKAJU Young Advisors the opportunity to
meet outside of group sessions to form deep, lasting relationships
that will accompany them throughout their journey.
The OKAJU Young Advisors Programme is aimed at all young people aged between 13 and 18.
The young advisors meet regularly to discuss children’s rights and advise OKAJU by sharing their perspective. They identify priority themes, design awareness-raising activities and participate in national and international events. Their commitment enables the development of concrete projects and makes the voice of young people heard. In this way, they actively contribute to the promotion and protection of children’s rights.
If you would like to become an OKAJU Young Advisor, simply fill in the form below. For any questions or assistance, contact OKAJU on 28 37 36 35 or by email at youngadvisors@okaju.lu.